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What is Encryption and Decryption Full Explanation

What is encryption?

Difference between encryption and decryption with example

Encryption is commonly used when communicating credit card numbers between customers and merchants. When you buy something online, your credit card number and other sensitive information is encrypted before it's transmitted over the Internet. It is encrypted when it goes to our credit card processing center and until we process purchase claims.Encryption is a method of converting information into a secret code that hides the true meaning of the information. The science of encoding and decoding information is called cryptography.

What is Cryptography?

Cryptography is used to protect data during communication. This is useful to prevent unauthorized individuals or groups of users from accessing sensitive data. Encryption and decryption are the two main functions of cryptography.

The message sent over the network is transformed into an unrecognizable, encrypted message, known as data encryption. At the receiving end, the received message is restored to its original form, which is called decoding.

What is Decryption?

Decryption is the process of converting encrypted/encrypted data into a human readable and understandable form for a human or computer. This method is done by manually encrypting the text or using keys to encrypt the original data.

Why use Encryption and Decryption?

Important reasons for using encryption are:

  • It helps protect your sensitive data like passwords and login ID
  • Useful to verify that a document or file has not been modified
  • The encryption process prevents plagiarism and protects your IP
  • Provides confidentiality of personal information
  • Useful for network communication (e.g. the Internet) and where hackers can easily access un-encrypted data.
  • It is an necessary procedure as it helps protect data that you don't want others to have access to.

What is Encryption used for?

Encryption is the process of encrypting information so that no one can read it without a digital key to decrypt or decrypt it.

Encryption is used to protect information from anyone who tries to steal or misuse it. This method can be used for both data transfer, data transfer and storage.

This encryption method can also be used on websites where the information on the website is encrypted to prevent the theft of customers' personal information.

Some types of encryption are stronger than others, making it more difficult for certain information to be stolen or misused. 

What is Decryption used for?

Decryption is a technique used to decrypt messages in various formats. The two main methods of using encryption are encryption and decryption. Encryption uses cryptographic techniques to scramble data so only those who have the right key or password can access it. Cryptanalysis is the more complex process of analyzing an encrypted message to find its meaning or decipher the code.

Can Encrypted data be Hacked?

You can crack encrypted data, but you need to know the password to decrypt it. However, with time and the right computing power, it is theoretically possible to hack a computer. Encrypted data can be cracked, but only if you have the password. With enough time and computing power, there is a chance of hacking.

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